10 Things You Can Do to Stay Engaged
By Emy Brubacher
Here at Bossy Nagy Group, we understand the value of engaging our team; making them feel valued and heard so they are passionate and invested in their work. Team members who are engaged are more committed, effective, and inspired.
One of the tools we use at BNG to help us better our team engagement is the Engagement Multiplier, a tool that facilitates gathering feedback from our team to create action plans for improvement. Through a regular survey, team members can anonymously answer questions and provide valuable insight.
One of the questions turns the focus back onto each team member, asking what they can personally do to improve overall team engagement. We have received some great ideas, and from that, we have developed a "Top 10" list that can apply in any organization or situation.
Here it is:
10. Be Positive: A positive attitude is contagious. Smile. (P.S. Recent research says that an optimistic mindset is correlated to positive relational, health, and financial benefits)
9. Support: Support each other. yes, support from leadership is important, but it is just as important to support each other. Ask your team members if they need help. And ask for help when you need it.
8. Encourage: Boost each other up. Give positive feedback when it's due. Say thank you for the little things (as well as the big).
7. Share: Share ideas, thoughts, information, knowledge. Whether through formal means or just through discussion, share what you know with each other.
6. Relate: Build relationships. Take time to chat. Get to know each other. Even during busy times, it only takes a few moments to say hello and ask someone how they are doing.
5. Organize: Review your workload, determine what deadlines you have, and make lists. Set goals and create a plan of what you need to get there.
4. Own it: Take ownership. Of your responsibilities, ideas & projects, your attitude, and ultimately, your happiness. Only you can effect change; you cannot make anyone else do it.
3. Communicate: We all acknowledge the value of communication. But you cannot just wait for someone to communicate with you. Reach out and communicate with them. If you want to know something, ask.
2. Recruit: Help your leaders recruit. It can be challenging for leaders to find the "right" people - the people that you want to work beside. Know a good person? Refer them.
1. Take Care: Take care of yourself. It is hard to accomplish anything, meet expectations, or be there for others, if you are not first taking care of YOU. Eat well, stay active, rest, and make sure to do something fun once in a while!
Anything you think we should add? Share with us!
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