
Jupiter Rising, Unique Ability® and Gratitude

Take a journey outside to view the night sky and reflect on your own Unique Ability® and those of others.

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Toast, Waffles and Value Adds

Toast, no matter how dressed up, is still toast. Is your team making toast? Or are you going to whip up some waffles?

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COVID, CANEI and Opportunities

Through this crisis, our team realized that "just average" work was not enough. We had to do better.

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Lot’s Wife, Looking back and WWII

“What are we going to say or think once the lockdown is over and this pandemic is subdued? Frequently, but not always, we have tendency to “look back” and, as we do so, it is often with rose-tinted glasses.” James Sales

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Space X, Star Tracker and Re-calibration

By Mike Bossy

Our lives are not going to be the same, the future we thought we had no longer exists. We need to re-calibrate.

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New Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Cost Share Funding for Agri-Food Producers and Processors

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Service Canada Announces Surprise Visits of Temporary Foreign Worker Employers

Service Canada recently announced that it will begin performing unannounced inspections of workplaces that hire temporary foreign workers, concentrating their efforts on the agricultural and caregiver sectors.

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Staying Safe on the Farm

Written by: Cheryl DeCooman, CHRL and Danielle Pasztor, Farm Safety Specialist

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Greiden Farms cracks top 10 in Canada for well-managed dairies

As published in the St. Mary's Journal Argus, written by By Stew Slater Haanstra family has been inching their way up the DHI list since arriving from the Netherlands 25 years ago Number 9...

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